Thursday, October 29, 2009

Natural way to control/reduce blood sugar (Diabetic)

How many of us know that Blood pressure if not controlled or treated may definitely lead to Diabetics !

But diabetic shows its symptoms only after it is well developed in the body. More dangerously, diabetics is the mother of all the diseases. The main organs affected by diabetics are Kidney and Heart. It is strongly recommended that the people who are having the possibility of developing this diabetic (mainly obese and  hereditary reasons)should go for testing of blood sugar yearly once.

Remember it is better late than never. As soon as we come to know that we are diabetic we should take medicines to control it under the advice of a specialist. For those who do not want the medicines always there is a way !!!

"Fenugreek is the answer"

Do add the Fenugreek in daily food intake in any form. I have given below the some ways of taking the Fenugreek.

1. In a tumblerful of buttermilk, add 20 gms of Fenugreek and kept aside it over night. And in the morning (as soon as you get up from the sleep) drink this wholy including Fenugreek.

2. Soak the Fenugreek  in a cup of water for 6 to 8 hours. In the next day morning grind this to get the paste. Then mix this with a glass of buttermilk and drink it.

Do remember that during the time you are following this therapy you should avoid 'direct sugar' intake. After 40 days of follwoing this practice if you check your sugar level will read minimum than the last reading.

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